Witherslack, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, LA11 6RS
015395 52298
Natalie Mellard Helen Fothergill

Welcome to EYFS

Dear Parents and Carers,

We welcome you to Dean Barwick Primary school and to thank you for choosing our lovely school as the setting for your child’s educational journey.

Your child’s first experience of school is a very important one and we recognise that settling into school is a huge step for both you and your child.  Starting a brand new setting, with different adults, children and routines, can be very tiring and overwhelming during those first few days so, if necessary, we can have a gradual start to school for your child, building up over a week to full days. Lunchtime forms part of that transition and a flexible start means that they can experience this gradually with as much support from adults as possible.

 This is what we anticipate doing for transition into school if possible:

  • An initial phone call and distribution of welcome packs with information about school. (These will be emailed out and are available below.. 
  • Flexible start to school in September, dependent on your child’s and family’s needs. 
  • Visits and discussions with pre-school settings where possible in the summer term. 
  • All Reception aged children are entitled to a free cooked dinner at school. However, you may choose to send a lunch from home. Again, this can be flexible dependent on your needs.
  • Nursery Children can order a prepared cooked meal. Dinners are £2.70 per day and are payable via school money, which will be set up for you. (you will receive an activation code/email to set this up if you require one)
  • Uniform consists of burgundy jumpers/cardigans with the school badge. A polo shirt, grey shorts/trousers or skirt/pinafore. We may have a nearly new/used sale at the initial meeting of affordable uniform items. Uniform can be purchased via our online shop.

 There are some great websites explaining what you can do to help your child prepare for school, such as:





If you have any further queries please feel free to email the office and we will get back to you ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to make your child’s transition into school as smooth as possible.


If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, even if your child is entitled Universal Free School Meals, please apply using the following link


If your child is eligible this generates an amount of money for the school called Pupil Premium. This is used to help children and give extra support where and when needed.

Witherslack, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, LA11 6RS
015395 52298
Natalie Mellard Helen Fothergill

Welcome to EYFS

Dear Parents and Carers,

We welcome you to Dean Barwick Primary school and to thank you for choosing our lovely school as the setting for your child’s educational journey.

Your child’s first experience of school is a very important one and we recognise that settling into school is a huge step for both you and your child.  Starting a brand new setting, with different adults, children and routines, can be very tiring and overwhelming during those first few days so, if necessary, we can have a gradual start to school for your child, building up over a week to full days. Lunchtime forms part of that transition and a flexible start means that they can experience this gradually with as much support from adults as possible.

 This is what we anticipate doing for transition into school if possible:

  • An initial phone call and distribution of welcome packs with information about school. (These will be emailed out and are available below.. 
  • Flexible start to school in September, dependent on your child’s and family’s needs. 
  • Visits and discussions with pre-school settings where possible in the summer term. 
  • All Reception aged children are entitled to a free cooked dinner at school. However, you may choose to send a lunch from home. Again, this can be flexible dependent on your needs.
  • Nursery Children can order a prepared cooked meal. Dinners are £2.70 per day and are payable via school money, which will be set up for you. (you will receive an activation code/email to set this up if you require one)
  • Uniform consists of burgundy jumpers/cardigans with the school badge. A polo shirt, grey shorts/trousers or skirt/pinafore. We may have a nearly new/used sale at the initial meeting of affordable uniform items. Uniform can be purchased via our online shop.

 There are some great websites explaining what you can do to help your child prepare for school, such as:





If you have any further queries please feel free to email the office and we will get back to you ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to make your child’s transition into school as smooth as possible.


If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, even if your child is entitled Universal Free School Meals, please apply using the following link


If your child is eligible this generates an amount of money for the school called Pupil Premium. This is used to help children and give extra support where and when needed.

Witherslack, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, LA11 6RS
015395 52298
Natalie Mellard Helen Fothergill

Welcome to EYFS

Dear Parents and Carers,

We welcome you to Dean Barwick Primary school and to thank you for choosing our lovely school as the setting for your child’s educational journey.

Your child’s first experience of school is a very important one and we recognise that settling into school is a huge step for both you and your child.  Starting a brand new setting, with different adults, children and routines, can be very tiring and overwhelming during those first few days so, if necessary, we can have a gradual start to school for your child, building up over a week to full days. Lunchtime forms part of that transition and a flexible start means that they can experience this gradually with as much support from adults as possible.

 This is what we anticipate doing for transition into school if possible:

  • An initial phone call and distribution of welcome packs with information about school. (These will be emailed out and are available below.. 
  • Flexible start to school in September, dependent on your child’s and family’s needs. 
  • Visits and discussions with pre-school settings where possible in the summer term. 
  • All Reception aged children are entitled to a free cooked dinner at school. However, you may choose to send a lunch from home. Again, this can be flexible dependent on your needs.
  • Nursery Children can order a prepared cooked meal. Dinners are £2.70 per day and are payable via school money, which will be set up for you. (you will receive an activation code/email to set this up if you require one)
  • Uniform consists of burgundy jumpers/cardigans with the school badge. A polo shirt, grey shorts/trousers or skirt/pinafore. We may have a nearly new/used sale at the initial meeting of affordable uniform items. Uniform can be purchased via our online shop.

 There are some great websites explaining what you can do to help your child prepare for school, such as:





If you have any further queries please feel free to email the office and we will get back to you ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to make your child’s transition into school as smooth as possible.


If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, even if your child is entitled Universal Free School Meals, please apply using the following link


If your child is eligible this generates an amount of money for the school called Pupil Premium. This is used to help children and give extra support where and when needed.